The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck—by Mark Manson
I’m not a bookworm, nor do I read books 24 x 7. I basically read books to keep my mind active and to gain knowledge. So I just attempted to highlight the key aspects that I believe everyone needs to be informed about.
I began reading this book in February, and then something terrible occurred to me. I came to understand what rejection is and how it feels to be rejected. This book helped me process the rejection and also drastically changed the metrics of my own thinking. This book is a must-read, and I appreciate how it concentrates on uncomfortable facts rather than sugary lies. This book won’t ask you to follow any rules or methods in order to succeed; rather, it will teach you the truth about yourself that you must accept and begin applying to some worthwhile activities.
This book is a must-read for anyone who is extremely sensitive or who overthinks a lot. This book began like a powerful storm, and I love how Mark Manson concluded it with such peace and calm. This book is a masterpiece in and of itself, but I’d like to highlight a few parts that I find especially memorable and that you should read with an open mind.
1. “Wanting a positive experience is a negative experience; accepting a negative experience is a positive experience.” alan watts used to refer to this as “the backwards law” . the more desperately you want something, the more you will realize that you lack it. The more you want to become rich, the more you feel poor, no matter how much money you actually make.
2. “Problems never stop; they merely get exchanged and/or upgraded.” Happiness comes from solving problems. Solving doesn’t mean simply ignoring, but rather, happiness is a form of action; it’s an activity that you don’t magically discover in the newspaper or from any teacher. You won’t find happiness in a room waiting for you. it’s a constant work in progress because solving a problem is a constant work in progress.
3. “Problems may be inevitable, but the meaning of each problem is not.” “We get to control what our problems mean based on how we choose to think about them, the standard by which we choose to measure them.”
4. “Constant positivity is a form of avoidance, not a valid solution to life’s problems which, by the way, if you’re choosing the right values and metrics, should be invigorating and motivating you”. It’s simple, things go wrong, people upset us, accident happens. these things make us feel like sh*t, and that’s okay!!
5. “Our culture today confuses great attention with great success, assuming them to be the same thing.” but they are not. You are great. already, whether you realize it or not. it’s not because you launched an iPhone app or finished college early. “These things do not define greatness.” What makes you great is that after everything that’s happening, you still care and continue to choose what to give a damn about and what not to.
So these are my favorite five points, although the whole book is my favorite, summing up everything won’t be possible. I would highly recommend reading this book if you are someone like me. This book is definitely worth it.
I hope that through this article I have shared something helpful, and if you find it helpful, do like it and share it with other people too.
Thank you :)
Mansi Hirani